Editorial for Xorsum
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
Task : Xor(1 <= i <= j <= n) (a[i] + a[j])
O(N^2) : Brute
O(Vmax^2) : For every value x we count the number of its occurrences ( ap[x] ) in the given array. Now we take two values a <= b and we will have two cases :
if a < b and every value occurs an odd number of times our answer will be updated with (a + b)
if a = b the number of pairs (1 <= p <= q <= n and val[p] = val[q] = a) will be 1 + 2 + ... + ap[a]. If this number is odd the answer will be updated with (a + b)
O(N logN logVmax) : We will fix a bit , let call it B. We will get an array x i.e.
. We will sort this array x. If we get two values x[p] and x[q] , there will be 4
cases, more precisely, (x[p] + x[q]) will belong to an interval amongst the following ones : \(I_1 =
[0... 2^B – 1]\) ,
, \(I_3 = [2 * 2^B ... 3 * 2^B – 1]\) , \(I_4 = [3 * 2^B ... 4 * 2^B – 1]\). If the
sum is in the second or in the fourth, the sum contains the bit B. For every x[pos] we will use
binary search to find three indices p1 , p2 , p3, meaning that
\(1 <= i < p1 , x[i] + x[pos] ε I_1 ;\)
\(p1 <= i < p2 , x[i] + x[pos] ε I_2 ;\)
\(p2 <= i < p3 , x[i] + x[pos] ε I_3 ;\)
\(p3 <= i <= n , x[i] + x[pos] ε I_4\)
If p2 – p1 + n + 1 – p3 is odd we will update the answer with .
Subtask 4
O(N * logVmax) : It is the same idea like the previos one. The two essential observations are :
If we are at a bit B + 1, we can pass easily at bit B. This step involves that
We will split x in two parts. For every
and if
. We will decrease every
. These two parts are now sorted and we will merge them in O(n), resulting necessary x.
Now, for every position pos, we will update indices p1 , p2 , p3 advancing them from pos – 1 (two pointers trick).