Editorial for Spray esterilizante

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Since every dish contains at most 10^9 cells, then, if we use the spray on it at least 32 times, it is guaranteed to become empty. Therefore, we could store answers to the question "what the sum on this segment would be after i applications of the spray" for \(0 \le i \le 32\) in every node of a segment tree.

There is another solution: using the same observation, we observe that, if we don't apply the spray to empty dishes, then, without any updates, we can have \(32 × N\) applications of the spray at most, and each update adds at most 32 additional applications. Therefore, we can actually apply the spray to dishes one-by-one, and the only problem is finding the non-empty dishes quickly, which is easily accomplished by a segment tree or a set.

This solution wouldn't work if we were allowed to update the number of cells in a segment of dishes at once, but it was easier to implement.


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