On a faraway planet, strange plants with two stems can be found. Every plant on the planet can be described by three numbers: the x-coordinates of the stems L and R, and the height H at which the stems are connect. The image depicts a plant with and
Every day a new plant grows on the planet. The plant that grows on day 1 is of height 1, and every subsequent plant is one higher than the previous one.
When a stem of a new plant intersects the horizontal segment of another plant, a small flower grows (if one wasn't there already). If segments merely touch in a point, a flower will not grow there. The following images are a visualization of the first example.
Write a program that, given the coordinates of all plants, calculates the number of new flower every day.
The first line contains an integer , the number of days.
Each of the following N lines contains two integers L and R , the coordinates of the stems of a plant.
Output N lines, the number of new flowers after each plant grows.
Example Input
1 4
3 7
1 6
2 6
1 3
3 5
3 9
2 4
3 8
Brother cogiste mas de 60 pts porque los primeros casos de pruebas estan faciles y se les puede raspar bastante con Force Brute , pero para coger 100 pts tienes que tirar un ( ABI con Deferent Array ) o un ( Segment - tree con Lazy Propagation ). Si el tipo de problema es de Segment - tree es porque la solucion oficial es con este algoritmo.
Dice ser un problema de Segment Tree... pero no le apliqué eso y me salí con mas de 60 puntos ?
Muchas gracias a todos por la ayuda ✌?
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